Changing Trends in Business

In the olden days, most if not all companies could stay profitable based on the sale of their products alone. However, today’s society is quite different and this isn’t really the case anymore. Consumers of today are deeply plugged into the online world through the internet and social media, staying on top of trends, yes, trends vastly influence consumers with vivid images and captivating words.

creative ideas

So, are they truly being influenced by your ads? Are their emotional chords being played with your lively videos? Is your social media game strong enough to fully whisk their attention away and send them on their way to loving your brand? If you’re unsure, that’s okay, because what you need is a creative spark, and a whole lot of it.

Nurture a Culture of Creativity

In order to help your business thrive, your employees need to be very creative while being efficient and performing at rates higher than what they initially knew. To help kick start the creative bug in everyone, you need to nurture the creative culture. In other words, you need to sell creativity throughout your organization,

Businesses that can create amazing ideas are the ones that truly understand that when it comes to being creative, it shouldn’t be focused on by just one or two departments alone. The creative culture should be practiced by everyone within your organization, even those in IT or finance. As you strive to keep creativity at the top of everyone’s mind, you should think outside the box and maybe send out a Friday email to all of your employees while giving props to the ones who had indeed been creative and successful as a result.

team work

In efforts to further fuel creative efforts, inter-personal relationships should be strongly encouraged. We’re more than sure that your employees are fitted with so much technology that they possibly don’t even need to leave their desk. And, while technology is great, relationships cannot be formed or strengthen via email. As such, encourage them to have face to face conversations, this has been a proven way to discuss and even share a thought or simply just an amazing idea.

Your employees should be encouraged to maintain working relationships with those who aren’t even a part of your organization.

This is due to the fact that everyone has ideas, they have connections and even advice which can at some point benefit your business. Some companies have already added this to their day to day activity and they even share job descriptions with investors, their employees, personal connections and even on social media all in an effort to keep creativity going on a hiring campaign. And, referral incentives are also given to keep the sharing process going.

Be sure to offer structured freedom to all of your employees. Give them a place where their voices can be heard while they make a difference and let them know that their ideas won’t be shot down. But, be sure to set some boundaries that they can operate within.

Here’s the key focus:

Stay true to a consumer while delivering the brand

Be sure to keep time in mind since it usually depends on the consumer

Ensure that they know that they are accountable to reactions and to know what is being measured

Go with key points and allow it to form an over-achieving strategy

entrepreneurial spirit

When you’re adding people to your team, be sure that they are all about keeping the entrepreneurial spirit. The great rewards achieved in life never come easy and you can bet that they took either some type of physical challenge or an emotional one. So, keep in mind when adding new members that you look for those who have the spirit.